3-4 December 2025

SEC Glasgow


Prof Iain Woodhouse

Professor of Applied Earth Observation. University of Edinburgh

Speaker profile

Iain Woodhouse is a professor of applied Earth observation at the University of Edinburgh. He is an expert in using remote sensing for mapping and measuring forests. He is a keen enthusiast for capacity development in EO and has taught courses to participants from more than 20 different countries.
Iain has also been part of the founding team of 3 space-data companies: Ecometrica in 2008, Carbomap in 2013 and Earth Blox in 2019.
He is also: Chair of the Scottish Space Academic Forum; and, Research Theme Lead for Space & Satellites at the University of Edinburgh.

University of Edinburgh


Wednesday 11 September


14:50 - 15:40   |   Keynote Theatre

Navigating the Future – Skill Development and Educational Outreach

Prof Iain Woodhouse

Professor of Applied Earth Observation,
University of Edinburgh

Joseph Dudley

Space Skills Alliance

Elliott Stott-Briggs

Workforce Director,

Dr Melissa Patton

Vice President of Education,
Space Foundation

Dr Stephen Breslin

Chief Executive Officer,
Glasgow Science Centre

Janice Andrew

Digital Economy Skills Programme Manager,
Skills Development Scotland