3-4 December 2025

SEC Glasgow


Gillian Cameron

Programme Manager. Supplier Development Programme

Speaker profile

Gillian Cameron is the Programme Manager for the Supplier Development Programme (SDP). SDP is a business support initiative, supported by Scottish Government, Scottish Local Authorities and Agencies. The Programme’s aim is to help Scottish SMEs improve their performance in winning contracts in the public sector.

Gillian has over 30 years’ experience in public sector procurement, previously working on many high-profile supplier engagement projects with the UK Ministry of Defence, the UK NHS and London 2012 Olympic Games. She is a member of the Scottish Government’s Procurement Supplier Group, which aims to inform, influence, and engage with procurement strategy and derive the maximum economic benefit from public sector purchasing.

Specialising in connecting the public and private sector, Gillian’s work with the SDP has seen the reach of the Programme grow delivery of large scale Meet the Buyer events and through bespoke supplier engagement; raising awareness of contract opportunities and connecting training as an early intervention to assist Scottish SME’s get tender ready, driving economic recovery and supporting the public sector and most recently the NHS with Community Wealth Building initiatives.

Supplier Development Programme


Thursday 12 September


11:50 - 12:50   |   Space Technology & Applications Theatre

Government as a Customer

Daria Dasha Filichkina

Chief Operations Officer,

Graeme Jarvie

Innovation Delivery Manager,

Gillian Cameron

Programme Manager,
Supplier Development Programme

Peter Anderson

Chief Commercial Officer,
AAC Clyde Space

Claire Neil

Principal Scientist,
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

Ross Ashley

Director of Programs for Space Service,
Spire Global Inc