3-4 December 2025

SEC Glasgow


Agathe Bouis

PhD student. University of Strathclyde Glasgow

Speaker profile

Agathe is a PhD student at the University of Strathclyde, with a thesis focusing on the provision of a robust and distributed alternative to GNSS time. She received her Aerospace Engineering Master in 2022 from the University of Bristol, specialising in space systems. Agathe is the co-lead of the AIT team of STRATHCube, Strathclyde’s CubeSat project. She is also a technical research member of ARIAS (Association for International Legal Research on Space Sustainability). Her research interests include bio- and social dynamics inspired network science, space mission design, space law, and astrobiology. She is also keen on interdisciplinary research, having found that creative and innovative solutions to complex problems are often found in conjunction with other disciplines and perspectives.

University of Strathclyde Glasgow

University of Strathclyde Glasgow




Wednesday 11 September


16:10 - 17:00   |   Keynote Theatre

The Future is Now - What It’s Really Like to Work in Space

Annelies Look

Deputy CEO,
UK Space Agency

Agathe Bouis

PhD student,
University of Strathclyde Glasgow

Jack Rosenthal

Systems Engineer,

Peter Hastie

Senior Mechanical Engineer,
AAC Clyde Space

Florence Sherry

Mechanical Design Engineer,
Space Forge