3-4 December 2025

SEC Glasgow


Wednesday 11 September

14:00 - 14:30   |   Space Technology & Applications Theatre

Cutting-Edge Innovations to Facilitate Health and Performance in Long-Duration Space Missions

As humanity sets its sights on long-duration space missions, the dream of reaching Mars is no longer just the realm of science fiction. Beyond the technical marvels required to get us there, one of the most daunting challenges lies within our own biology. What happens to the human body when exposed to the extreme environments of space—microgravity, hypo-gravity, and relentless cosmic radiation? In this session, we’ll explore the profound impact of space travel on human physiology and delve into the latest groundbreaking innovations designed to overcome these biological hurdles. Join us as we journey through the fascinating intersection of space exploration and human resilience, and discover what it truly takes to keep astronauts healthy on the final frontier.

See speaker profiles

Dr. Carina Kern


Professor Nick Caplan

Northumbria University

Keith Siew

University College London (UCL)