We have a range of visitor features taking place at Space-Comm Expo Scotland, some of them are brand new to the Space-Comm series.
Workshop on AI for Space Sustainability
The space environment has, currently, more than 8,800 metric tons of human-deposited mass in orbit, more than 30,000 space debris objects larger than 10 cm, around 900,000 objects larger than 1 cm, 128 million pieces of debris around 1 mm, and 2 trillion pieces of debris around 0.1 mm. Today over 41% of small satellite missions experience partial to total system failures in orbit; by the end of the decade, the number of active satellites is projected to increase by 2000% to a total of 100,000+.
The consistent increase in the number of collisions and fragments creates a reduced orbit capacity for future missions and a reduced access to space. There is a need of an end-to-end environmental impact assessment that measures the global health of the space environment, and the risks sustained and induced by future satellites and constellations. These analyses will form the backbone of future policies.
The workshop will take the participants on a journey to explore the multiple facets of space sustainability. Through a series of representative game scenarios, the attendees will be able to evaluate the environmental impact of new space missions and services, and understand the costs and benefits of implementing new policies that promote short- and long-term sustainability. The workshop will open with a demo of tools developed within the UKSA funded project AI for space operations, safety and sustainability, that can quantify the global health of the space environment, impact of new missions and constellations, and the long term sustainability of the space sector.
Date: Wednesday 11th September 2024
Time: 13:00 – 14:00
Location: Carron Suite, SEC Glasgow
(Places are limited so will be awarded on a first come first serve basis and require advance registration).
Workshop Leader:
Massimiliano Vasile, is currently Professor of Space Systems Engineering and Director of the Aerospace Centre of Excellence at the University of Strathclyde.
He received his M.S. in 1996 and Ph.D. in 2001 from Politecnico di Milano. He sits on the AIAA Astrodynamics and IAF Space Power committees, and chairs the IEEE task force on Emerging Technologies in Space and Aerospace. He is scientific adviser to the UK delegation to UNOOSA and sits on the UN Space Mission Planning Advisory Group. His research interests include Computational Astrodynamics, Space Sustainability, Computational Intelligence and Optimisation Under Uncertainty exploring the limits of computer science at solving highly complex problems in science and engineering. Asteroid 2002 PX33 “Maxvasile” was named in his honour in recognition of Prof Vasile’s contributions to the development of innovative techniques for the design and optimisation of space trajectories and his work on asteroid manipulation.
Prof. Vasile has developed novel numerical methods for single and multi-objective optimisation under uncertainty, has pioneered the use of computational intelligence in astrodynamics, and the use of imprecise probability theories in the optimisation of space systems. His research has been funded by the European Space Agency, the UK and French Space Agencies, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Planetary Society and the European Commission. He is an AIAA associate fellow and an IEEE senior member.
Organised by:
Environmental Task Force
The Environmental Task Force is a group of volunteers from academia, government, industry and third sector organisations, working together to ensure the space sector is sustainable by design. The group published the world’s 1st Sustainable Space Roadmap (we believe) and is now delivering on the Work Packages in the document. The group arose from Scotland but now includes members from across the UK and globally.
The Institute on AI for Space Safety and Sustainability
The Institute on AI for Space Safety and Sustainability is a collaboration between the UK, Canada, USA and Australia, led by the University of Strathclyde. It is supported by the UK Space Agency (UKSA) and other public and private investments. The institute brings together stakeholders from academia, industry, and government, with the aim of driving sustainable innovation and promoting responsible practices in the use of AI for space applications. Our mission is to accelerate the development of AI technologies from early-stage concepts to full-scale adoption in the space sector.
Space Law Symposium – Tackling the hot topics that keep you up at night
In partnership with DLA Piper
Working in the space sector involves navigating complex legal risks, multi-layered legal regimes, and unique commercial challenges. The Space Law Symposium at Space-Comm Expo, in partnership with DLA Piper, offers a platform for the space legal community to connect and share experiences and expertise. Industry experts will provide valuable legal knowledge to help companies respond to industry changes and challenges. Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with lawyers working in the space sector and get answers to the pressing questions keeping them awake at night.
Panel discussions will cover The intersection between Space Commercialisation and Sustainability, Traversing the UK, EU and broader international legal and policy landscape relating to launch and operation of space missions, Legal and financing challenges relating to the funding of innovative space missions, and AI, Data, and Cybersecurity in Space Exploration.
Date: Wednesday 11th September 2024
Time: 14:00 – 18:00
Location: Carron Suite, SEC Glasgow
(Places are limited so will be awarded on a first come first serve basis and require advance registration).
Geo-Return: Bid Writing Common Mistakes
A workshop looking at the most common mistakes that the Tender Evaluation Boards (TEBs) at the European Space Agency (ESA) encounter when reviewing Invitation to Tender (ITT) bids. This session will equip attendees with knowledge of the ESA bid writing process and the common mistakes to avoid.
The ESA Policy & Operations Team work to maximise the UK’s engagement with the European Space Agency (ESA) to drive economic growth and innovation. The team addresses strategic issues related to the UK’s ESA membership, ensuring alignment with national objectives and advocating for industry opportunities within the ESA ecosystem.
They oversee the coherent delivery of ESA commitments, monitoring the UK’s strategy and Geographical Return (Geo-return). Through data-driven insights, they promote additional contracts and cultivate opportunities for UK industry, enhancing the nation’s position in science, research, and technology. This proactive approach stimulates economic growth across the UK, encouraging sustained participation and expansion within the ESA ecosystem.
Date: Thursday 12th September 2024
Time: 15:00 – 16:30
Location: Downstream and Sustainability Theatre, SEC Glasgow
Hosted by AstroAgency
An open forum where the space community can share knowledge and highlight opportunities, regardless of position in the sector. Organised by AstroAgency, SpaceBar will be hosted by Prof Suzie Imber, and will offer a unique opportunity to connect with industry peers on topics to have fun and informal conversations.
Date: Wednesday 11th September 2024
Time: 16:10- 17:30
Location: Space Technology & Applications Theatre, SEC Glasgow
Government & VIP Programme
Delegations will include Government Ministers (domestic and international), CEOs of Space Agencies, as well as representatives from industry bodies, academic institutions, diplomatic agencies, and government organisations and other relevant parties from the space domains.
To find out more please visit this page and feel free to reach out to Gen Richards, Head of Government Relations & B2B Programmes to discuss your requirements and find out more about how taking part will add value to your visit.
Start-Up Zone
Showcasing the brightest start-ups pushing the boundaries of space technology. It offers a platform to discover ground breaking solutions, meet visionary entrepreneurs, and explore new business opportunities. Meet the next generation of space innovators! Find out more here.
Invitation only Roundtables
Roundtables enable you to meet with peers in an exclusive business environment. An open forum to discuss issues within the industry and how to tackle them. Find out more here.
To get involved with any of these features at the event, or to suggest new ideas, please contact