11-12 September 2024

SEC Glasgow


FinTech Scotland

FinTech Scotland

Business profile

FinTech Scotland is an independent not for profit cluster body jointly established with the financial services sector, universities and Scottish Enterprise to ensure that Scotland achieves positive economic and social outcomes by encouraging financial innovation, collaboration and inclusion.

The organisation acts as a strategic enabler and cluster management body focused on leveraging the potential economic and social benefits arising from becoming a leading global centre focused on Fintech innovation.

FinTech Scotland’s objectives are to develop an innovative community of FinTech firms, generate impactful collaborations between firms of all sizes and foster an inclusive cluster.

See speaker profiles

Nicola Anderson

FinTech Scotland


Thursday 12 September


11:00 - 11:50   |   Keynote Theatre

Leveraging Space Data for Multisector Innovation

Prof Malcolm Macdonald

Chair of Applied Space Technology,
University of Strathclyde Glasgow

Dave Ross

International and Investment Director,
UK Agri-Tech Centre

Nicola Anderson

Chief Executive Officer,
FinTech Scotland

Claire Neil

Principal Scientist,
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

Helen Glass

Head of Supply Chain Innovation,
Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society (SAOS)