3-4 December 2025

SEC Glasgow


Kristina Tamane

Programme Manager – High Growth Company Creation. Scottish Enterprise

Speaker profile

Kristina is presently a Programme Manager – High Growth Company Creation at Scottish Enterprise, supporting spin-outs from Scotland’s Universities, with a specialism in the space sector.

Previous professional lives include business development, project management, improvement & change management, careers advice, training & development, widening participation & outreach, consultancy, recruitment and more.

Personally passionate about the environment and climate change mitigation – with a focus on action to bring about real change. This is evidenced by being a Founder and subsequently Co-Chair of the Environmental Task Force, a UK wide organisation composed of universities, businesses, governments and third sector organisations with the aim of ensuring true end-to-end sustainability in the space sector.

Scottish Enterprise

Scottish Enterprise


Wednesday 11 September


14:40 - 15:40   |   Space Technology & Applications Theatre

Advancing towards a space-driven economy

Annelies Look

Deputy CEO,
UK Space Agency

Ken Gordon

ESA Business Ambassador for Scotland and Northern Ireland,
European Space Agency (ESA)

Kristina Tamane

Programme Manager – High Growth Company Creation,
Scottish Enterprise

Robin Sampson

Trade in Space

Joaquin Perez-Grande

Space Ecosystem Manager,
Satellite Applications Catapult

Phil McLachlan FIET

CEO & Founder,