3-4 December 2025

SEC Glasgow


Robin Sampson

Founder. Trade in Space

Speaker profile

Robin is the founder of Trade in Space, a groundbreaking company that leverages satellite data to transform agricultural trade. With over 15 years of experience in satellite application design, Robin launched Trade in Space to use this technology to support and enhance trade opportunities for agricultural communities and their global consumers. Recognising that incentivised, data-driven direct trade is key to achieving truly sustainable agriculture, Robin saw an opportunity to make a difference.

In a world-first innovation, Trade in Space became the first company to create a digital NFT Agri-commodity supply contract struck between a coffee roasting business in The Barras area of Glasgow (Dear Green) and Colombian coffee farmers Martha and Nestor Lasso in the Huila region of Colombia, revolutionizing the way agricultural products can be traded and verified. Trade in Space has emerged as a market leader in satellite-derived data products for agricultural traders. Trade in Space data is used by Starbucks, Costa Coffee, Michelin Tyres, the World Bank, and some of the world’s largest farming cooperatives, such as the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia (FedeCafe) and the Coffee Farmers Foundation of Honduras (Fundación Co.Hondu.Café).

Trade in Space


Wednesday 11 September


14:40 - 15:40   |   Space Technology & Applications Theatre

Advancing towards a space-driven economy

Annelies Look

Deputy CEO,
UK Space Agency

Ken Gordon

ESA Business Ambassador for Scotland and Northern Ireland,
European Space Agency (ESA)

Kristina Tamane

Programme Manager – High Growth Company Creation,
Scottish Enterprise

Robin Sampson

Trade in Space

Joaquin Perez-Grande

Space Ecosystem Manager,
Satellite Applications Catapult

Phil McLachlan FIET

CEO & Founder,